This is a dog house that you might want to be in. creator Brent Rivera, from , appears to have built a 'dream house' for his beloved dog, Charly, that he claims cost $20,000. (Image: a recent video, he documented the process of building the new abode, including construction and decoration murale Miiza, that would be a present for his dog's first birthday. The 25-year-old describes Charly as his 'best friend for the past year' after getting her following the death of his late dog, Becker.

    (Image: [[|]])   YouTube creator  [[écouvrez-les-décos-asiatiques-à-thonon-les-bains|deco chambre Miiza]] Brent Rivera, from California,  [[|deco chambre]] appears to have built a 'dream house' for his beloved dog, Charly, that he claims cost $20,000
    (Image: [[|]])   The 25-year-old describes Charly as his 'best friend for the past year'
     'It was extremely hard for me because I felt like I would never have a dog like that ever again,' he said.

'That was until Charly came into my life.

She'll never be Becker but she is amazing in her own way. 'So I wanted to do something special for her for her first birthday.' Brent and friend Dominic Brack head to The Home Depot to get the supplies they need to build the 'luxury' dog house. It then shows Brent and Dominic using a circular saw to cut up wood before they appear to put up walls and paint them, and install light fixtures. 'If this entire house collapses, it's his fault,' Dominic jokes to the camera while pointing at Brent. 'No it's not,' Brent fires back, 'We built this pretty sturdy.' The pair appear to drill in stairs that lead up to the loft bed as well as fencing.

    (Image: [[|]])   Charly makes her way through the new threshold of her new home
    (Image: [[|]])   Inside the dog house has been furnished with a bean bag, a couch, a TV and a tray table that acts as a coffee table
    (Image: [[|]])   The home also has a loft bed with a sizeable dog bed, a lamp, alarm clock and mini fridge
    (Image: [[|]])   Charly is seen [[|enjoying]] her new bed with Brent's friends surrounding her

It's finished off with a sign that reads in gold: 'Charly's House.' 'The house is finally finished and now it is time to decorate the entire house,' Brent declares. He and Dominic are seen maneuvering a bed through the small doorway. After placing it in the loft, Brent adds more homey touches such as an alarm clock, cushions, bean bags, a couch, a tiny coffee table, photos of Charly and himself, a mini-fridge and a TV that 'only plays squirrel videos.' 'People are going to be like, “You spoiled her,”' he quips, before adding: 'No, I'm just appreciative.'

    (Image: [[|]])   The TV in Charly's dog house 'only plays squirrel videos,' which can be seen here
    (Image: [[|]])   Earlier tin the video Brent and friend Dominic Brack appear to be using a circular saw to cut up wood
    (Image: [[|]])   The pair are seen here putting up the walls.